keennote tekst
november 2016
Rectas Catalog
rectas diderotRectas is the Latin word for straight lines. That is exactly how this series of circular and recyclable LED luminaries was intended: technical decorative, with direct or indirect light. There are 6 versions, all named after famous thinkers and philosophers: Aurelius, Bredero, Cicero, Diderot, Erasmus and Freud. The fixtures are made of aluminium with black or cherry wood details. Thanks to the use of LED heat collectors very high luminous fluxes are reached. Available in different lengths.
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november 2016
ljocht nieuwsbrief
Now also in LED
Our outdoor fixtures, made in practically indestructible 4mm thick galvanized steel, is now also suitable for LED.

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March 2015
NS Head Office
NS-hoofdkantoorKeen Light design together with NL Architects the lighting for the Conference rooms on the 9th floor of the Head Office of the Dutch railways in the Katrijnetoren, near the Central Station in Utrecht. The fixtures equipped with Led chips, have been exported to the Cool Led Technology to which Egbert Keen almost two years worked with the development of lighting fixtures which the light source lasts longer than the useful life of the fixtures. Luminaires and light sources are merged into a single unit that is almost an endless life.
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March 2015
Ledfixx, a plug & play Led-transit-wiring system with functional fittings. Specially designed to quickly and easily install DC-controlled LED lighting systems. Smart insert links mean that the Poles cannot be swapped. Be easily lumen flows and choices for drivers explained, which clearly indicates which drivers at which dimsystemen should be applied. Suitable for almost all ceiling systems. Ledfixx is completed by an extremely beautiful and functionally designed programme of fittings.
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may 2015
City Hall, Hoogeveen
Keen Light design recently eased the citizen Hall in the Town Hall of the municipality of Hoogeveen. This municipality decided, after bad experiences with led fixtures of inferior quality, to the existing lighting in the citizen Hall to replace the Keen fixtures Minos 99, equipped with the specially developed Cool Led technology.

The existing 108 recessed fixtures (equipped with a persglas bulb of 100W)
54 hanging fixtures have been replaced by Minos 99 with a consumption of just 24W.

The illumination is very satisfactory and one is full of praise for the quality of the fixtures. Additional advantage: the energy saving is about 85 percent.
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may 2015
Urban Cool
urbancoolFrisian Outdoor Lighting
Friesland: a province in the North of the Netherlands with its own identity and language-the Frysk. The landscape is wide and full of water. The skies variegated. The people are tough, earthy and quirky. They also high personal requirements. With this background designed Egbert Keen an outdoor lighting program consisting of three series: ' Boppe ' (the top), ' Irish ' (Earth) and ' Attaches ' (robust). These three Frisian words are characteristic of the quality and the whimsy of the entire program. Series ' Boppe ' is made of black epoxy-coated aluminum, the series ' Irish ' en'Hecht ' out of galvanized steel or black epoxy coated zinc plated steel.
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November 2013
Photometric data
Photometric information for Methuselah LED fixtures with Cool LED Technology.

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that you want to download or request:

November 2013
Author: Egbert Keen
Influence of light and color
Perceiving colors belongs to the most ordinary things of everyday life. Everything is color. Color is just as form, an important tool to recognize the objects around us. Color is like light so self-evident that we scarcely think about it while the world is in fact completely colorless. The visible world consists of colorless matter. Light is the only source that colors.

November 2013
Light in all its nakedness.
Nudility is perhaps the most minimalist fluorescence
system that is broken.
Read more ...
March 2015
Author: Egbert Keen
Light and color
Each Keennote contains an article that is about light and its consequences on our perception, performance, well-being, health or behavior.

may 2015
Author: Egbert Keen
Views and insight; Garden and park
Each Keennote contains an article that is about light and its consequences on our perception, performance, well-being, health or behavior.

This time: views and insight; Garden and park

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Want to know more about light? Then order the book by clicking here "Light for life" of the author of this article. For more information,
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September 2013
Author: Egbert Keen
What is actually light
The word ' light ' is a simple word. But what a wealth of meaning behind hiding behind this concept. Because light is reflection, color, is a myth and is pure emotion. In addition, also light for safety. ' We all know what light is, but it's not easy to tell what it is... ' Rarely has anyone so right in my eyes as the English scholar Dr. Samuel Johnson (1709-1784).

September 2013
Cool Led Technology
China petrified at Light design developed by Keen Cool Led technology, a technology in which the LED an infinite lifetime can achieve.

Click here to view the complete program.
September 2013
New name for Egbert Keen b.v.
Egbert Keen b.v. applies with effect from 1 July 2013 the trade name Keen Light design and the new address details are: Jeltewei 94, 8622 XV Hommerts

Click here for the route and the e-mail form
31 May 2012
RELIEVE d.m.v. induction

Please contact us for more information.

29 september 2012
Induction lamps
The operation of Fluorescent induction lamps – is very similar to ordinary fluorescent lamps. However, the electronic link happens via electrodes but using an electromagnetic field. The performance is similar to the fluorescent lamps: 85 Lm/W and a color rendering of 80-85.
Inductie P1There are several executions: balloon-shaped, circular and rectangular. On or to the tubes are flush; These are connected with an electronic ballast.
Inductie P3In conventional gas discharge lamps limit the electrodes the lifespan of the bulbs. An electrodeless lamp knows this limiting factor not and therefore has a very long life. The lamps with an external ballast after 100,000 hours still ± 70 percent of its original luminous flux. To achieve this life, the quality of the ballast is very important. Because the light sources last longer than the useful life of the fixtures are maintenance costs, replacement costs and environmental impact almost nil.

Please contact us for more information.